The Good Dinosaur | Review
Title: The Good Dinosaur (2015) Director: Peter Sohn Genre: Drama, Adventure, Golden Fleece, Buddy Love Review Film by Andika Hilman This movie follows the formula of making a good story to the tea. It's told in the simplest way. The first act is kinda too long and the climax is kinda out of nowhere. It's also obvious that this movie tries to copy the success of 'The Lion King' scenes, including the father-son bonding moment, Mufasa's death, and Mufasa appearing altough he's alread dead. As it follows the formula, the story is actually told well. Maybe the audiences just want something more intense. Although this movie is really good for the kids and not-annoying for the parents. The most interesting part is of course that this movie treated a human boy like adog pet for the dinosaur. The resolution part is probably one of the best resolution in Pixar history. It amazes me that the role-switch between humans and dinosaurs start to get blurred at the end. The hu...