My DND Character: Havel the Bard

Name: Havel
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Bard (College of Sword)
Level: 1
Alignment: Lawful Good

STR 13+0 Mod +1
DEX 12+0 Mod +1
CON 8+1 Mod -1
INT 14+0 Mod +2
WIS 15+1 Mod +3
CHA 10+2 Mod +1

Main Stat: CHA
Gameplay style: Caster
Physical: Medium/heavy armor (Tank) 
Skills: Arcane Magic or DEX skills
Roleplay Option: Exploration

Known Spells:
- Light (Cantrip)
- Minor Illusion (Cantrip)
- Charm Person (lv. 1)
- Healing Words (lv. 1)
- Thunderwave (lv. 1)
- Detect Magic (lv. 1)

Tools: Disguise kit, Pan Flute, Lute, Greatsword
Languages: Common, Elves, Sylvian, Dwarvish
Skills: Acrobatic, Performance, Stealth, Perception, Insight, Arcana, Athletic

Core Inspiration:
Artistic, poetic, arcane, greatsword for intimidation, wisdom, intelligence, inner charisma, support

BG: Entertainer
Routines: Poet (7D10), Storyteller (9D10), Actor (1D10)
Skill Prof: Acrobatic, Athletic 
Tool Prof: Panflute , disguise kit
Equipment: Panflute, (the favor of an admirer: love letter/lock of hair/trinket), belt pouch 15GP, a costume
Feature: By popular demand (You have a capacity to find a place to perform. Actually, either in an inn or tavern but most possibly with a circus, at a theater or it may be in a noble’s court. As long as you perform each night, you can receive free food and also lodging of a modest or else comfortable standard (it depends on the quality of the establishment) it happens at those kinds of places only. Your performance will make you something of the local figure and this is in addition. The strangers typically take a liking to you and this would be happened in a town where strangers recognize you.)
Past live: A circus spokeperson and an invasion survivor
Back story: He is the master of ceremonial in a moving circus business who speaks poetically and theatrically, one day caught in the middle of a town invasion but manahed to survive and ran away with an abandoned sword that he stole from a fallen hero.

Dika is a half-elf with a signature pointy ears and a normal size human body. Both of his eyes are generally big, but mostly appears half-closed, especially when nothing makes him interested. He has black pupils and quite thick eyebrows. His nose are rather tall but not pointy. He has a dark-beige quite-thick lips. Her face are oval, nearly rounded. His blue-ish silver hair falls at her neck level, quite mess with his wolf haircut. Surrounding his neck, he wears a black necklace with a shiny green stone hanging. It was there when we was adopted as a baby.

He usually wore a buttoned-up shirt with a red coat and a tall hat on stage, but after his escape from the war, he was just in his white long-sleeved white shirt, two top buttons were opened, with a stolen armor only protecting his chest area, along with great sword in a sleeve. He then found a dark brown hoodie along the way. His lower body was not really protected, except with his tall black boots and a pair of trousers, ripped by the branches while he was exploring the forest. That was before he stole a pair of flops one day in a village. He managed to grab a small brown backpack from his tent before running away.

An ambivert who needs a lot of time to be alone, sometimes might disappear from everyone. But at another time, he can talk in front of his audiences. He also loves to sit down on the lunch break with his crews, laughing at their jokes or making witty comments. 
He's a good listener, with his aura that makes people open up to him. Helikes to give supportive and encouragments words to people, athought he's a coward and not the most confident person himself.
In his circus era, he's a responsible person who will get things done, especially about lobbying and administration stuff of the business. He also enjoys those kinds of stufff.
He has no martial art/fighting background, although he used to exercised regularly just to accompany his friends. He's strong enought to lift and bring heavy objects, and endure the weight for a long time.

Combat Style:
1. Greatsword + words of intimidation
    a. Light on the sword
    b. Minor illusion on the sword 
2. Thunderwave
3. Minor illusion
    a. To run away
    b. To distract and ambush
4. Healing words (buff)
5. Greatsword
    a. As a shield
    b. To slice
6. Talking and using weak/soft spot
    a. Begging for liberation
    b. Bargaining
    c. Intimidation

Features & Traits:
- Greatsword and strengh
His arms are powerful enough to wield the sword with two hands, although he's not good at using it. These days, he practices along to use it in a combat.
- Greatsword and spells
He uses his sword mostly just to intimidate his enemies. He might cast light on it or a minor illusion, like a fake flame or a scary creature possessing the sword.
- Emerald necklace and No last name
He was found as a baby by the circus crew with an emerald stone. He doesn't know his parents, his last name, only his race as an half-elf.
- Pan flute and Lute
Usually used for his performance on stage, inside the bags most of the time
- Chest plate (medium armor) 
As he stole a sword from a fallen soldier, he also stole a plate that can be used as an armor to protect his chest area.
- Bag, flops, boots, hoodie
He managed to grab a small brown backpack before running away to the forest. He was wearing a pair of tall boots, but he stole a brown hoodie and a pair of flops.
- Charisma and Charm spell
He has an aura that makes people see them as equal, of not greater than them. This is a passive trait that he has. Actively, he uses his charisma to make people vent or tell their stories and even their darkest secrets. He also can cast a spell to charm person.
- Knowledges about circus, entrepreneurship, and politics
As a spokeperson, he knows one-two things about running a business. He also knows the good and the bad about the circus people and the business itself. As sometimes he needs to ask permission for his circus to perform in a town, he also knows a little bit about politics on the grassroot level.
- Languages, linguistic, and theatrical performance
Moving from places to places makes him learns some languages, including commons, elves, and dwarvish. He also loves reading stuff about elves, including the difficiult high-elf languge like sylvian. He likes classy languages and loves to speak poetic/dramatic. Because of that, he's reluctant to speak casually, to use local accents, and the undercommon language.

Role in The Story:
Right now, he's just trying to survive after his circus was burnt down and all of his circus mates were spread out. He moves from towns to towns, jungles to jungles, by himself. He captures small animals for foods and steals little fruits. In the meantime, he practices his skill of using the great sword as a weapon and shield.
In terms of problem solving, he tends to use his natural gift of intelligent. Although he's dumb enough to heavily depend on the skills that he doesn't have, or his lowest stats, like dexterity and strength. He doesn't even know that he can use his charisma to solve many things.
In combats, Dika is a 'jack of all trades' kind of support of the team. He can attack towards the enemy's health point, distracting them, reason to them so the battle won't happen, or even heal his teammates. He's the best when he's given a specific instruction from a good leader. 
Outside the combats, he's the one who can be trusted by the team members as a listener and a secret keeper. He will be neutral if there's an internal conflict in that group. His wisdom shines in a situation like this.


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