Sorting Hat on Me

I'm a Snake Primary and Lion Secondary.

This is all based on
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Primary is WHY I do what I do (morals, motivations, beliefs).
Secondary is HOW I do what I do (methods, means, behaviors).

1. Snake Primary
"Snake Primaries are fiercely loyal to the people they care for most. Snakes prioritize individual loyalties and find their moral core in protecting and caring for the people they are closest to.

Snake’s reputation for ambition comes from the visibility of this promotion of the self and their important people– ambition is something you can find in all four primaries; Snake’s is just the one that looks most obviously selfish.

Because their morality system of “me and mine first” is fairly narrow in scope, Snakes often construct an additional morality system (a “model”) to deal with situations that are not addressed by their personal loyalty system."

2. Lion Secondary
"Lion secondaries are more likely to change their volume than their content. They can hold their tongue. They can be polite, patient, proper people, but when the going gets rough or the rough get going you can find a Lion secondary by the way their problems are met head on rather than subverted, negotiated, or cajoled. They have an efficiency so direct it can be almost combative.

Lion secondaries can be subtle, skilled, and even quiet, but they will cut to the core of things unflinchingly. They will sacrifice social harmony, reputation, and peace before they sacrifice their own integrity.

Lion secondaries can be an interesting mix of stand-up integrity and mischievous rule-breaking and chaos. These potentially conflicting traits fall to this: Lion secondaries are self-defined. Their integrity and their honesty is a deal with themselves, not others.

It can be easy to overlook the efficacy of the Lion secondary when distracted by their tactics. Friends (and opponents) will forget that simplicity and directness of method says nothing about the level of complexity and intelligence in their motivations. Honesty means neither shallowness nor immaturity. The drive and ability to cut to the heart of matters which backs up a Lion’s directness makes them powerful in conflict and refreshing in friendship."

3. Analysis

People change over time.

At first, my primary was closer to the bird than the snake. I believed more on the construct that I built. I questioned things and made conclusions. I stuck with what was objectively correct.

But as I grew up, I realized that the world was so messed up and couldn't be trusted. I also started to value chaos as the part of orders. Even when the world was upside down, I realize I had to stick to what was important: Which was myself. To be more accurate, what matters to me now are myself, my God, and the people that I care the most.

Now my primary is totally closed with the snake primary: Exclusive.
I care, I'm kind, I even sacrifice, but only to things that matter. Mostly is about me.

This is the 'why' that I'm comfortable the most.

My secondary was also closer to the bird than the lion.
Because I had no self-confidence, I didn't trust myself, I always thought that 'maybe' other people had a better thing to offer than me, and because I thought it was selfish to trust only myself.

I was so uncomfortable with my skin. I was so afraid to make a decision by my own that I heavily considered what other people thought about that subject.

I guess because as I grew up, finally now I have all the informations and deductions about most of the things, I become more comfortable with trusting my guts. I also grow as a more confident person and am brave enough to believe in myself. If anything, now I think it's important to not listen to everybody.

That was more than the why tho.

I used to be a really passive person but that was because I was a coward. These days, when I choose to be passive, that's because I believe that's the best thing to do. Maybe it's also because now I sorta know how to deal with things when I'm confronted by other people. Overall, I become a more bravery and confident person.

I think my most comfortable method has always been confronting things and using my intuition. Now I'm just not afraid to do so.

That's why now I can use the most comfortable method for me, which is the lion way.

4. Conclusion

I'm a Snake Primary and Lion Secondary.

That means I'm an exclusive person. My purpose in life is giving what's the best for myself, or including other people if they're lucky enough to touch my empathy. I know that I can't help everyone.

When I'm facing life, I'm confident that I know what to do, I know what's right, what's the best, and I will just trust my intuition, go ahead without overthink about the details. I'm sure life will lead me to an interesting path even when I'm wrong, I'll take the responsibility on all of my decisions anyway.

This is what makes me comfortable the most.

5. Twist
I really don't know why I got Hufflepuff on Pottermore lol


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