How To Save Film 'The Marvel'

There are 3 main characters in this new 'The Marvels' movie: Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), and Photon (Monica Rambeau).

From what I see so far, their characters' traits are:
- Carol is an assertive and independent woman who likes to work alone.
- Kamala is a young, energetic and passionate teenager who just got her superpower.
- Monica is honestly just another assertive, independent, and reliable leader so far.

Honestly, I don't like any of them.

Now how to fix this movie? What do I want from these 3 characters?

We need to strengthen their traits, make it more distinct from each others, and give them some character growth.

We also make the dynamic of these three people fun.

We know Carol has a good moral compas, but they need to emphasize it even more. Her moral compass has to be on the same level as Captain America (Steve Roger). 

She should be the one who can empathetic with other people the most, but with her "Carol Danvers" way: Showing it not from facial expressions, but through her words, maybe a smirk, and her actions. To make her more likable, she should be the heart of the group.

Different than the Captain tho, Carol is so capable that she prefers to do everything all alone. Just like Iron Man. She will discover that she's really comfortable work with the other Marvels and eventually learns the beauty of friendship. An individualist who learns to make teamwork. That's so cute for this cold character, right?

To make her distinct, I want Carol to become a goal-oriented person. She focuses on the target and will do anything to get things done. She's also more experienced in saving planets and facing aliens. She's more familiar with space.

For Kamala, to be really honest, she's kinda obnoxious for me. I want her to be a little bit more reserved and wise. She can't just be loud and excited, especially when people around her get hurt. I want Kamala being cheerful when it's appropriate, because if it's not, this teenager character would be so annoying. She is the battery of the group but she also needs to learn to be more susceptible. 

As the youngest is usually the purest, Kamala should also become the wisest one on the group.

Monica Rambeau... Since she is new and hasn't been really established enough, we need her to be more superior than the other two, so she won't be overshadowed. 

Monica Rambeau comes from a military background so she's basically more well-educated about battles. She knows how to make a good strategy and to execute it. She's good at leading the team as she quickly understands the situation. 

But eventually Monica will learn that she can't be too idealistic, since she's not leading an army, she's leading a young kid and a broken most-powerful super hero.

In conclusion, I want Carol to be less arrogant, I want Kamala to be less obnoxious, and I want Monica to be more op.

We can put all of that into something like this:

Because of a cosmic problem/event, Carol, Kamala, and Monica are tied together, but when they're barely figured out what to do, the youngest one Kamala makes a mistake and makes everything way worse. It's not getting better when the villain comes in and makes it even more difficult to solved. Even though Carol and Monica have their own differences, eventually they have to work together to guide Kamala beats the villain and fixes the problem.

Carol is familiar with this cosmic anomaly that brings the problem and she thought she knows how to solve it. Monica actually has an idea on how to solve it but the problem is, Kamala is the key to save them all. Monica pushes the inexperienced Kamala way too hard to "save the universe". Carol doesn't like Monica's way. Their conflict makes Kamala accidentally created an even bigger disaster.

Kamala was so cheerful, that was how she usually brought back everybody's mood. But in this situation, Kamala needs to learn that she can't be joking or laughing or even smiling too much when it's not needed. It can make the public sadder or angrier, including Carol and Monica, the only ones who can help Kamala in this situation.

Carol and Monica promise to put their differences together to help Kamala. Carol learns that she can't do everything alone. She starts to like Kamala and Monica because Carol rarely meets two powerful ladies who can understand her. Kamala genuinely wants to be Carol's friend and that moves Carol's heart. 

Monica learns how to tone down her ego. She learns how to work with a teenager like Kamala. Monica and Kamala also learn how to control their super power guided by Carol.

The villain captures Monica and Kamala. Monica leads them to escape, not just with Kamala's super power, but with Kamala's bravery and smartness.

The villain wound Kamala and Monica so bad that Carol thinks she's better go solo. Kamala already learns to be more careful with her cheerful attitude, so that Carol and Monica are more willing to help her fixes the problem. Then Kamala's wise and genuine speech convinces Carol that it's better if she got help from the other ladies.

At the end, Carol and Monica guided Kamala to solve the problems and beats the bad guy together. The three of them become The Marvels who protect the universes.

That's my prediction for this movie.

Butt heyyy, that's just a theory!!! a fILm tHeoRy~ Bon apetit?


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