a rap lyrics
by jane ft. ahn

I sweaaar to God!
I'm so terrible I tried my best for my personalities
I waaant to change
But I did whateveer I can
But I can't help, because it's coming baack to me
Agaain and agaain
I'm like the devil of my ownn story
Aarghh, huhh!!!
I doo some bad things
I mess, sup, everything

My mind's so fucked up
Then people say, "Oh look!"
"She's soo sensitive!" Oh fuck you!
Is it my fault for having so many mental health, problems?

And I'm soo terrible that it's soo easy for mee to hurt things
But not, to fix it
And when I tryy to fix it, I'm sooo annoying
I'm a loser, failure, problematic, devil, and the bad oone
I sweaaar to God!
I feel, outcast(ed), I just feel I wann' cryy so bad
Because of it
But I can't cry, even-if I wann' cry, I just cry, internally

Like... Why can Iiii just, never- Suppose to be happy in my liife
I would nooot-
All the time I wouund myseelf
And I doon't knoww
My heeart problems are getting worse daay by daay
More stress
More blaming myself, for everything
Like, I'm trying, my best, I cannot help, myself
I won't be able to forgiive myself for hurtinggg my friends', feelings

Plus, everydaay I feel soo suicidal
Every single daay and night, afternoon nn e-ve-ning
I cannot harmm myself
Everytime I wish that, I can just diee
From my heaart problems
Because everytime sluting won't be able to able to helping me  


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