We all love Pixar movies! But you know what this post is about. Yes, this is my personal rank about the BEST PIXAR MOVIE EVER. Why? Because everybody has their own favourite Pixar movie, right? And this is how I rank the movies.

So the list is based on many things, not just cinematic reasons, production values, ect., but also how relatable the movie is, how touching it is and the movie experience itself. So let's see if you have a similiar list with me. Here we go!


17. Ratataouille (2007)
I can't really recall what the movie was about because I don't really care about it. I don't really care about the story line, the characters and the background. I remember I didn't notice when the movie first came out and I had the same feeling after (few years later) finished watching it. I don't know why so many people love this movie tho. Maybe I just need to watch it again one more time.....

16. The Good Dinosaur (2016)
It's a GOOD movie! In my opinion this movie is kinda artistic because of its unique story-telling. It's a real-time adventure about two characters which isn't exaggerating, yet still can make the audience cry in the end. I'm proud Pixar makes a movie like this.

15. Brave (2012)
Actually the story is so relatable with my life. Well I'm a bit idealist and also have a mother push me to be what she thinks the best version of human life. Lol. BRAVE is a good movie because Pixar proves that they also can make a princess movie and it's MUCH better than some of popular princess movies out there.

14. Cars 2 (2011)
CARS 2 is the movie that everyone hate. Why? Because CARS 2 doesn't talk about racing anymore. It's more like a spy movie and it makes too much personification on the characters. Everybody loves CARS because it's a story about Cars who alive, not a human in appearance of car!? It's an example of bad sequel, especially on Pixar movie world, because I think CARS 2 lacks of touching feelings and realistic problems of humanity.

13. Up (2009)
We all agree that UP has the best opening sequences ever. I think everybody sure remember the romantic story about Carl and his wife from the first time they met as kids and the ended up getting married until they grew up and became so old. There are so many videos in youtube that talks about it. Even the music background of that scene has a big meaning (and continuity) for the entire movie. Watching UP is the moment when you know you're watching a legit Pixar movie.

12. Monster University (2013)
After 12 years of the hype of MONSTER INC., Pixar made its prequel that was about Mike and Sulley life in college. MONSTER UNIVERSITY always brings good nostalgia about our beloved 2 characters and, of course, the Pixar touch in animation film. It's good to see the different struggle about being a monste all over again. But maybe the premise is just so mainstream. There have been so many movies about college with similiar problems and MONSTER UNIVERSITY doesn't really bring a brand new experience. It's still about naive competition between young teenagers. But personally I love the ending (when Mike and Sulley are dropped out) so much because it's so touching and it has a great message about gaining a success career.

11. Finding Dory (2016)
Personally I like 'Hank' so much. If you don't know who it is, Hank is the octopus who helps Dory in the aquarium, yeah pretty much. Why I like Hank? It's because it bring the adventure in FINDING DORY much more alive and also it has "villain" character but ends up becomes one of the big hero in the movie. Hank also funny and you can explore many jokes on him because his ability to camouflaging. FINDING DORY itself is a good movie, especially when the target audiences are kids only. 

10. A Bug's Life (1998)
Let's meet Pixar's second full-length animated film after TOY STORY. I like this movie, especially because it gave me a good childhood. If you think about it A BUG'S LIFE has the most evil villain (Hopper the Grasshopper) and the greatest monster ever in Pixar history (the bird). Also it has a really good conflict for a movie with many characters. Well done Pixar!

9. Toy Story 2 (1999)
I just don't like the story line. I like Woody's dillema in making decision, I like how Jessie's past is so miserable while it all depends on Woody. But the saving scene it's not that touching and the antagonist is not that great either. I like Toy Story trilogy tho, but out of three TOY STORY 2 is the less good for me. 

8. Cars (2006)
When we talk about CARS then we talk about merchandise! It reaches 10$ billions in sale, dissaparate with the DVDs or the income from the screening itself. Of course, everybody loves cars, especially boys. Also Lightning Mcqueen is one of the coolest and cutest character in Pixar universe. Which kid doesn't wanna obsess a red car that's so popular around the world?

7. Wall-E (2008)
WALL-E is one of the Pixar movie that's so artistic. There's no much dialogue and there are no much characters too. WALL-E is also the first movie that makes me actually care about environment. About earth. It brings a great message and a really story-telling to deliver that message.

6. Finding Nemo (2003)
It's really hard not to put this movie in big five list. FINDING NEMO is a great movie which is, unlike the title, not about 'Nemo' at all. It's about a 'Marlin', an adult clown fish, who realizes many wrong things about his life. His adventure with Dory not only funny and entertaining, but also able to touch the heart of many adult viewers. Once you watch the movie, it's hard to forget it.

5. Toy Story (1995)
TOY STORY is a full-package movie, isn't it? It has a really great idea about making a kid movie by ruining what they believe into something so imaginable but yet still makes sense.  It doesn't just personify things, like making dog talks, or creating a world full of monsters, but it also brings toys alive which is the realistic version of what kids watch on TV (and then makes a fantasy about it). Actually I find TOY STORY is creepy because the movie itself telling us that toys are just toys, but it's said by a living toy! Haha... Above all that things, TOY STORY has a really great stories, great fantasy world, it's really touching and the same time it has a really simple story idea: What if toys are alive. What a great movie!

4. The Incredibles (2004)
No doubt. This movie is better than many superhero movies out there! But THE INCREDIBLES also awesome as family movie It tells story of every family members so well, from the struggle of being a man who wants his family lives a better life and still trying to balance what he wants to, the wife who's anxious about her leaving husband, and the weird life the kids have because they have a super power to hide from society. It has a classic family movie then combined with lovable superhero theme which makes THE INCREDIBLES so entertaining to watch.

3. Inside Out (2015)
The story is so relatable. Everyone once was a teenager and has an upside down emotion. We all have been confused with ourself. INSIDE OUT is so good because the idea of telling a story about how the emotion itself works. It's based on popular psychology yet not everyone understands it. it's so touching, especially the scene when Riley came to home and hugged her parents while realizing that childhood is different than adulthood, but it doesn't mean it's a bad thing. So heart warming :')

2. Toy Story 3 (2010)
TOY STORY 3 is not just a gift to Toy Story fans, but it's also the whole new level of the idea of Toy Story theory. Woody and the gang are forced to believe that they're no longer Andy's toys and they even have a free-will now. They can be anything now. And that's the problem about growing up: things change we must make decisions and give our life a new purpose. It's an adventure about the toys trying to accept their destiny that they are just toys. And that means there will be one day that their role ends. I really love the 'garbage scene', eventhough how they survive the fire is miraculous, but it's an awesome climax that mixes all the feelings and thoughts we have while watching the movie, or I can say, the whole Toy Story trilogy. In my opinion TOY STORY 3 has the best climax of all Pixar movies.

1. Monster, Inc. (2001)
It's VERY FUNNY. Right? ;)

Okay, that's all the Pixar movies ranked from 17 to 1. Do you have the similiar list with me? Tell me what's your the most favorite Pixar movie of all time? Share it with us and the reason why you love it because it may change our mind about the movie!


  1. Setujuuuu
    Kalo aku sukanya sm yang brave, up, sm mr.bing bong #gakadaygtanya

    1. Dari film kesukaannya kayaknya yg jawab ini cewek, betul nggak..? hehe
      Btw Mr. Bing Bong itu maksudnya 'Inside Out' ya?

  2. Hahahaha iya inside out. Tp lbh suka mr.bing bongnya. Dia keliatan gila, gk berotak, hidupnya cm ketawa terus, kadang nangis gk jelas. Tp sebenernya nggenah. Dia rela gk ikut kereta luncur biar si joy bisa nyampe atas. Pdalah itu sm aja dia bakal mati. Sehati sm olaf :'

    1. "sehati sama olaf" haha iya bener banget
      aduuh.... salah satu scene yang bikin nangis tuh, hampir :p


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