
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2020

Talking About My Dream Job

I'm in a journey to find my dream job. But first, I have to know what kind of job that I desire. Dream Job Menurutku, aku akan suka dengan pekerjaan yang mengandalkan kreativitas. Aku suka berdiskusi dan menuangkan ide-ide, meskipun aku buruk dalam mengeksekusinya. Aku tidak bagus dalam mengeksekusi karena aku tidak suka berlama-lama dalam satu proyek. Aku juga lemah dalam berkoordinasi dengan orang lain. Aku akan sangat menghindari menjadi seorang ketua, apalagi jika dibutuhkan sosok yang tegas. Sejauh ini, pekerjaan yang terpikir olehku adalah bekerja di Puskesmas. Walaupun sekarang dokter masih melayani pelayanan kesehatan individu atau UKP (Usaha Kesehatan Perorangan), ke depan Puskesmas hanya akan fokus pada (Usaha Kesehatan Masyarakat) SAJA. Artinya, Puskesmas akan fokus dalam kegiatan bersifat promotive  dan preventive, termasuk penyuluhan, posyandu, dan lain sebagainya. Dan aku sangat tertarik dengan hal tersebut! Jika Puskesmas fokus pada UKM, maka aku bisa m...

Misunderstood Slytherin

So, I'm a Slytherin. I never knew that I was a Slytherin before because, I'm sorry but, I've misunderstood Slytherin. At first, I would always love to be sorted into Gryffindor. I was ambitious therefore I was brave. I was a go-getter and I wasn't afraid of anything when I was passionate about something. I had many dreams and my passion for them was so big. I was burning so hot like a fire. I wasn't afraid to roar like a lion, my favorite animal, to pursue my passion. I always thought that I was a Gryffindor. I'm also soft-hearted, especially when I was younger, which made me thought that I was a Hufflepuff.  I was so sympathetic to people that I could feel what they felt. I was easily sad about other people's pain. I cared about people on a personal level. I was a loyalist, well kinda, especially to people who needed me. I wanted to be always needed by people. I loved to be recognized by them and would help them who did at all cost. I also really h...